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뉴스 KAIST 국가미래전략기술 정책연구소


미국 일간지 월스트리트 저널 인터뷰(2024. 5. 2.)

작성자전체관리자 REG_DATE2024.05.03 HIT 267

조상근 미래기술환경 예측·분석센터 교수는 5월 2일자 미국 종합 일간지 월스트리트 저널(The Wall Street Journal)과의 인터뷰에서 "이란의 이스라엘 공격은 러시아, 중국, 북한 등 권위주의 국가들이 무기생산 및 군사기술에 대한 노하우를 공유할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 수도 있다"고 경고했다.

[붙임 파일] 기사 전문

Below is an excerpt from the WSJ article on May 2, 2024 titled "Iran’s Attack on Israel Offers Kim Jong Un a Test Case of Western Defenses." For a full text, please download the attached pdf file:

The lessons Tehran gleaned from its own strike on Israel, as well as Israel’s small-scale retaliation against Iran, are likely to prove instructive to Kim, as well as to China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, said Cho Sang-keun, a professor at South Korea’s Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, who researches military technology.

Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, which have drawn closer since the Ukraine war started and find common cause in their antagonism to the West, form something of an “authoritarian value chain,” Cho added.

“With similar values, these authoritarian countries can trade know-how on weapons production or technology,” Cho said.